
a永不让步erin brockovich
b去世诗社dead poets society
c雾都孤儿oliver twist
d楚门的世界the turman show
e闻香识女人scent of a woman
f朗读者the reader
g最终一吻the last kiss
h英国患者the english patient
j大公司小老板in good company
k他其实没那么喜爱你hes just not that into you

1–weve become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions.
2–were tired of pyrotechnics and special effects.
3–while the world he inhabits is, in some respects, counterfeit,
4–theres nothing fake about truman himself.
5–no scripts, no cue cards.
6–it isns genuine.
7–its a life.
8–im not going to make it.
9–youre going to have to go on without me.
10–no way, mister.
11–youre going to the top of this mountain, broken legs and all.
12–we find many viewers leave him on all night for comfort.
13–youre crazy, you know that?
14–for me, there is no difference between a private life and a public life.
15–my life, is my life, is the truman show.
16–the truman show is a lifestyle.
17–its a noble life. it is
18–a truly blessed life.
19–yeah, tell me something i dont know.
20–all right. promise me one thing, though.
21–if i die before i reach the summit,
22–youll use me as an alternative source of food
24–its all real.
25–nothing here is fake. nothing you see on this show is fake.
26–its merely controlled.
27–eat me, damn it. thats an order.
28–maybe just your love handles.
29–i have love handles? yeah. little ones.
30–truman. youre going to be late.
32— good morning. – morning.

33–good morning.
34–in case i dont see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
36— morning, truman. – morning, spencer.
37–hey, pluto. no, get down.
38— he wont hurt you. – get down.
39–i know.
40— its just me. – come on, pluto.
41–what is it?
42–heres a news flash just in. an aircraft in trouble began shedding parts
43–as it flew over seahaven just a few moments ago.
44–luckily, no one was hurt.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??陈希林



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