
??上一篇戳→每日干货丨23基础词汇打卡 03?



1.?blow: n.冲击

2. body: n.机构

3. boot up?建议(核算机)

4. break: n.歇息

5. bright: a.聪明的

6.?brush: n.灌木丛

7. cap: n.最高限额

8. capital: 本钱

9. carry on 持续做

10. cause: n.作业






本期要点词汇1. challenge☆释义:n./v.应战☆真题例句:the food self-sufficiency may pose a challenge to?the farming industry. (2021年英语二text 2)☆发问:例句中的pose a challenge to是啥意思呢?2. change☆释义:n./v.改动☆真题例句:our focus should be shifted to community welfare. (2021年英语二text4)☆发问:例句中哪个单词是change的近义词呢?3. check☆释义:n.支票;核对 v.核对;阻止☆真题例句:they have checked on?the availability of jobs at the jobcentre(2014年英语一text 1)☆发问:例句中的check on是啥意思呢?4. child☆释义:n.儿童;子孙☆真题例句:he’s not convinced that kids should be involved in selecting a home. (2021年英语二新题型)☆发问:例句中哪个单词是child的近义词呢?5. class☆释义:n.品种;课程;班级;风味;阶层☆真题例句:but in the medium term, middle-class?workers may need a lot of help adjusting. (2021年英语一text1)☆发问:例句中的class是啥意思呢?6. clear☆释义:a.理解的 v.经过☆真题例句:if it clears?the house, this measure would still have to get through the senate.(2021年英语一text4)☆发问:例句中的clear是啥意思呢?7. cloud☆释

义:n.云 v.损坏☆例句:the vague pronouncements cloud?their reputations. (2011年英语一text2)☆发问:例句中cloud是啥意思呢?8. come☆释义:v.来;初步☆真题例句:these skilled workers could have come up with?clever new products for their factories to make. (2012年英语二翻译)☆发问:例句中的come up with是啥意思呢?9. company☆释义:n.陪同;公司;剧团☆真题例句:the number of women on corporate boards has been steadily increasing. (2021年英语一text3)☆发问:例句中哪个单词是company的近义词呢?10. composition☆释义:n.作品☆例句:beethoven’s importance in music has been principally defined by the revolutionary nature of his compositions. (2014年英语一翻译)☆发问:例句中的composition是啥意思呢??





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